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Matters Related To Custom School Student Locker

  Getting a private locker at school to store stuff and decorating it with your own ideas has always been a topic of excitement among high school students. Everyone wants their locker to be more unique and interesting than other lockers. Some are well organized, while others make it a mess (maybe overstuffed).

  We are here to help you with Custom School Student Locker to make it the most unique and fun locker ever. We are committed to making your locker reflect your preferences and ideas. We divide the entire assortment of your locker customization into three steps. First, we'll discuss decorating ideas for your locker, and then we'll make a list of what you want to store in your locker so you don't forget things. Finally, an emergency list of items to put in your locker. Due to the long school hours, boarding schools provide students with lockers and some boarding schools in Dehradun provide students with proper lockers to store emergency items.

  School lockers come in all shapes and sizes, but the average height of a school locker is around 1800mm and the average width is 300mm (including the locker's frame). In terms of the depth of school lockers, common sizes are between 300mm and 400mm, however, as mentioned earlier, the size of lockers and their compartments will vary depending on what they are designed for.