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Finishing the Athletic Locker

  One of the most common problems in sports locker rooms is the presence of bacteria. The closed conditions, humidity, and shared hygiene products of the Athletic Locker encourage the growth of dangerous bacteria, which can lead to illnesses like flu and athlete's foot. The most effective way to prevent bacteria is proper ventilation, which reduces the moisture that allows these organisms to thrive. Modern Athletic Lockers are designed to promote better airflow.

  The locker room is a critical part of keeping the entire sports locker room in good shape. The Athletic Locker is the most vulnerable target for bacteria for a number of reasons, including ideal growth conditions, the spread of humidity, and contact with bacteria-laden items. Maintain the quality of your sports locker by doing the following:

  Cleaning: Wipe lockers with damp cloth monthly and wax-based veneer quarterly. Basic cleaning can extend the life of even the sturdiest metal storage cabinet.

  Lubrication: If the Athletic Locker is used daily, you should inspect the lock and hinge and lubricate as needed. This ensures that the locker works properly.

  Repairs: If left unattended, dents and scratches can even damage metal lockers. If any damage is found, have it repaired by qualified service personnel. You can also cover shallow scratches in sports lockers with stippling.

  Spare keys: If an athlete uses a key for a locker and misplaces it, it is best to keep a master key with you. This practice avoids the cost and inconvenience of replacing the entire lock.

  Installing a high-quality, durable and reliable Athletic Locker will help keep your locker room safe and functioning properly.